
Tummy Tuck

Plastic Surgeon located in Orlando, FL

Tummy Tuck

Abdominoplasty, commonly called a tummy tuck, is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery options for men and women in Orlando, Florida. Board-certified plastic surgeon Jorge Gonzalez, MD, PA, of Le Contour Aesthetic Surgery, has years of experience providing tummy tucks. To tone and tighten your abdominal area, schedule an appointment online or reach out by phone to get started.

Tummy Tuck Q & A

What is a tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck, commonly called an abdominoplasty by doctors, is a surgical procedure Dr. Gonzalez uses to remove excess skin and fat from your abdominal area to create a tight, toned, and shapely physique. A tummy tuck addresses a protruding abdomen that won’t go away no matter how hard you’ve worked on your diet and exercise. 

The procedure also helps repair weak or separated abdominal muscles, which develop after pregnancy or significant weight loss. Many women include a tummy tuck as part of a Mommy Makeover, a combination of procedures designed to restore the body after childbirth.

What can I expect during a tummy tuck?

During a tummy tuck, the skilled team at Le Contour Aesthetic Surgery places you under general anesthesia to ensure you’re comfortable throughout the procedure. Dr. Gonzalez makes a horizontal incision across your lower abdomen, from one hip to the other. This incision allows him to remove excess skin and fat and repair any separated or compromised abdominal muscles.

After repositioning your belly button to minimize scarring, he tightens your skin and trims away any extra tissue. Once the desired shape is achieved, he closes the incision carefully, and the team dresses the area with sterile bandages. The procedure takes several hours, including waking you up from anesthesia and monitoring you in the recovery room.

Am I a candidate for a tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck is ideal if you have excess skin, stubborn fat, or abdominal muscle weakness that persists even with intentional dieting and exercising. It’s especially helpful if you don’t like the way your body looks after pregnancy, weight loss, or due to the aging process.

The team at Le Contour Aesthetic Surgery considers you a good candidate for a tummy tuck if you’re in good overall health and don’t have a lot of weight to lose. While a tummy tuck does help you shape up, it’s not weight loss surgery.

If you're looking for a permanent solution for loose skin and weak abdominal muscles, a tummy tuck may be the perfect procedure for you. Call to schedule a consultation or book one online.